Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

what i did on art class?

heyya folks!
finally there's time for me to update! yuhuuu
and i will update twice today, so be happy :)

just like what i promised you in recent post, i will show you some activity about 
what i did in the school. 

first, about my make-up fantasy lesson at art class.
do you ever did it too in your art class?
 honestly this is my really really really first time for applied some 
colorfull paint (surely its not dangerous for skin,
 i just dont know what the paint called is) to my barely face.
at first, im too scared for applied it to my face (before i applied it, i used some foundation),
but i see my other classmate was really exciting about paint-ing their face, so i tried it too.
im super confused at that time, cause i don't know i must draw what.
and after some short time, i decided to draw the native yankee's eyes make-up. 
i know its fail :(
but im quite happy for the result hehe.

my classmate was so creative too. there's someone who painted her face like cat, or pretending to be some flower, and the guys painted their face like spiderman, pirate, hulk, or some hero that i dont really know who he is.

wanna see it?
here it is.

looks fun rite?
sorry i didnt show any photo while im applied the make-up, 
cause we're too busy at that time.
guess what? we're just given 40minutes for make-up-ing ourself!
how panic we are -_-
by the way, they are my classmates. 
hehe sorry for narcism that we always did. kekeke

maybe, i'll do some thrice update?

happy sunday folks!

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